The Persistent Pain Service provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 16 and over, and their immediate families, access to a culturally safe service to manage ongoing pain.
Pain may be felt after illness, injury or surgery. Sometimes there isn’t an obvious reason. We call it persistent when it has been there for more than three months.
Living with pain can muck you up. It can affect your health, wellbeing, mood, sleep, work life or and everyday life.
Our deadly team will walk alongside you to look after your health, in your way. We listen without judgement; your story will be respected.
The Persistent Pain Service can support you with:
- understanding your pain and how to best manage it
- accessing services to ease your pain
- access to specialist treatment.
The Persistent Pain Service is a partnership between MATSICHS and the Tess Cramond Pain and Research Centre, based at the MATSICHS Specialist Hub in Caboolture.
Our deadly care team includes:
- pain medicine consultants
- nurse care coordinators
- psychologists
- occupational therapists
- physiotherapists
- social workers
- pharmacists.
You might see a combination of our team who will assess and support you to manage your pain.
Your care pathway will depend on what is going on with you.
You will be contacted by a nurse navigator from the Tess Cramond Pain & Research Centre, who will discuss how we can support you to access the clinic.
At your first appointment, you will be met by a MATSICHS nurse care coordinator who will listen and yarn with you about your pain journey so far. You will also meet with a pain medicine consultant and may meet other members of your care team.
The service also offers a nine-week group program to focus on ways to deal with your pain. It’s a welcoming place to share your experience and to feel safe, supported and connected.

The Persistent Pain Service holds a monthly yarning group on the first Thursday of every month for clients of the service.
Join us to yarn about your pain journey. The group will be a welcoming place to share your experience and to feel safe, supported and connected. We’re stronger together.
Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Location: Moreton ATSICHS Caboolture Specialist Clinic – 5 James Street, Caboolture
RSVP: 07 5428 5876
Thursday 6 March
Thursday 3 April
Thursday 1 May
Thursday 5 June
For Mob connected to an Aboriginal Medical Service or mainstream service, please yarn with your GP for a referral.
For further information, please contact:
PH: 07 5428 5876