Cyclone Alfred clinic and service update

All Moreton ATSICHS clinics are closed as of 1pm Wednesday 5th March, due to the impact of Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Keeping our staff and clients safe is our top priority.

Appointments scheduled on Monday the 10th of March will go ahead via Telehealth. Your deadly clinic would have confirmed this detail with you. We plan on re-opening on Tuesday 11th March however that could change. We will keep our community updated on our socials and reach out to impacted clients directly.

If you don’t already, please follow us on our social pages to keep up-to-date with any changes to opening hours or services:
Facebook –
Instagram –

For health, wellbeing and social services, Mob Link is available 7 days a week 7am-8pm on 1800 254 354. In the event of an emergency, dial 000.

Stay safe you Mob and take care of yourselves, your family and your community.