Our Moreton ATSICHS clinics link with local schools that deliver the Deadly Choices, MomenTIM and Deadly Choices Sistas programs.
Deadly Choices Program
The Deadly Choices school and community based education program encourages Indigenous people to be healthy role models for family, friends and broader community networks.
The Deadly Choices 8-week education program targets chronic disease, nutrition, physical activity and tobacco education and is delivered in community including state primary schools, high schools and private schools.
A recent evaluation from participants in the Deadly Choice Program showed
- 100% now eat breakfast more often
- 57% increased their physical daily exercise after completing the program
- smoking decreased by 14%
- 100% did not understand chronic disease before the program
- 100% said they would undertake the program again.
Contact the Deadly Choices team to discuss whether Deadly Choices could be incorporated into your school’s curriculum. Phone 3648 9500 or email deadlychoices@iuih.org.au
MomenTIM Program
The MomenTIM mental health education program is for Tomorrow’s Indigenous Men. The programs encourages participants to build capacity and connection to health services and community supports, including family.
This program is delivered over eight weeks within secondary schools, and tackles issues such as self-care, healthy relationships, mental health and culture/identity.
Schools can choose to continue to participate in more intensive modules, delivered over 4 weeks and encompassing greater detail and including transformational thinking activities.
Deadly Choices Sistas Program
The Deadly Choices Sistas mental health education program is for young Indigenous women and encourages participants to build capacity and connection to health services and community supports, including family.
This program is delivered over 8 weeks within secondary schools, and tackles issues such as self-care, healthy relationships, mental health and culture/identity.
Schools can choose to continue to participate in more intensive modules, delivered over 4 weeks and encompassing greater detail and including transformational thinking activities.